ENS (Ethereum Name Service)


Easy to set up subdomains by:

  1. Registering domain
  2. Creating a contract to do the registration (deploy an existing one like FIFSRegistrar for ease)
  3. Contract can be updated to limit registration with a price gate


This is the javascript to use to set the ContentHash:

// using svelte & rollup
import contentHash from '@ensdomains/content-hash/dist/index.js'

const cidToHash = ipfsCid => `0x${contentHash.fromIpfs(ipfsCid)}`

Reference: https://github.com/ensdomains/ui/blob/fb0d502b438289dfb3e679a7e93c83311dcee2e9/src/utils/contents.js#L90-L93


Preimage Namehash