- redesign:
- pages:
- select subdomain
- social profiles form
- confirmation
- user profile preview
- marketing/landing page
- sections:
- header
- publishing state
- validations
- social icon set
- functional icon set
- mobile style:
- basic menu
- header spacing
- body spacing
- form spacing
- card spacing
- dark mode
- form validations:
- select subdomain
- CID fields
- URL fields
- use IPNS for contenthash:
- ipns-update function
- can we programatically determine the CID, on new sites, before the 2min process finishes?
- move email hosting somewhere else (current host only allows one user):
- Inb0x from Parallel
- deploy latest SiteManager contract:
- determine gas cost difference between SiteManagerLite and minimal SiteManager request
- figure out IPFS node hosting
- figure out Netlify costs vs running an API vs finding another serverless provider
- if the domain search triggers while backspacing and the user completely empties the input box, validation status of the intermediate search still exists
- if selecting a wallet and metamask is not connected, the profile icon still shows but is empty, button never returns
- validation icon does not always match the provided value, can happen when typing too slow
- on confirmation screen, the avatar has a higher index then the connect wallet modal
- final button should just say publish but trigger connect wallet if not connected
- avatar does not seem to be saved, a recent example:
- its possible to send messages between L1 and L2, should be much quicker than optimism
- should do initial transaction on L2, send important parts to L1 (maybe all of it?)
- use chainlink/gelato/brink to perform final L1 resolution